Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: 18-24 inches
Date of Report: February 22, 2021
Area Report:
Boulder Junction Trail Report 2/22/2021
With warmer temps and moderate to heavy traffic, our trails took a pounding this weekend.
We groomed our entire trail system Wednesday through Saturday and Sunday we groomed 15S and 8E. I did a trail inspection Sunday afternoon and found some trails to be in rough shape, especially 15S down to the Trail 7 interchange. We need more snow as the corners are getting bare and icy.
We are out grooming 15S now and will be doing our entire trail system by the end of today and the trails should be in good shape for tomorrow.
The good news is we got our 2nd groomer back from 2 weeks of repairs and it is back in service. Luckily we got it back as our 1st groomer went down Saturday for repairs but is now back in service.
With the warmer temps and no major snow in sight, we will be out grooming as needed to keep our trails in rideable shape.
I will be out doing an onsite trail inspection on Wednesday and will provide a detailed report for the upcoming weekend.
Speed Limit Advisory: When passing through town whether you are on Corridor 8 or Corridor 15, please use the marked trails, follow the signs, and observe the 15mph speed limit. Also, no snowmobiles are allowed on downtown Main Street.
Please be safe out there, ride on the right, respect others, and enjoy the trails and our area businesses.
Think snow!
Landy Roepke
Trail Manager