Trail Conditions: Early Season
Snow Cover: 4-5 inch hard base
Date of Report: January 19, 2025
Area Report:
January 19 – 9:08 pm – 14 below – Low tonight 17 below – High tomorrow 6 below Sno-Eagles Reports are good early riding in the woods & snow covered. Along Trail 10E of Eagle River all was & is SNOW covered. Light traffic early. No traffic heading home tonight. In town there are snirty spots some pretty thin better on the south end of town by the Dairy Queen. The hill area on Trail 70W to the St. Germain connect was very snirty with sun coming out. If you are riding expect all conditions changing quickly. No groomers out tonight due to cold weather. Here is what was panned last night 10E all the way to the turn around out east – including 9mile 10/13 aka The Grade through town to the Conover connect 10/13 aka The Wisconsin River Bridge heading west 10W to St. Germain & Sayner connects Temps during the day & at night will be BELOW ZERO. So if plan to ride be sure to Dress in layer Handwarmers or heated gloves Fully charged phone & store in an inside pocket near your body heat Stop more often & drink warm drinks Tell some where you are headed Going to keep posting the Sno-Eagles trails updates. So check out below.
Trail 17 aka Hiawatha Trail has be rehab-ed. No more going in that wet mushy section just before Kick Back & Hiawatha motel. Alt Trail 13 that heads south to Three Lakes remains CLOSED. Right Click for larger image Trail 17S that connects with the Sugar Camp trails remains the same but there is a short re route where Eagle River Sno-Eagles connect with the Sugar Camp Snowmobile Club by Ripco Rd. Another landowner closure. Alt Trail 13 to Three Lakes remains closed. A short section is open to local traffic to allow riders that live in that area to get north into Eagle River & to pick up Trail 10E. If you haven’t already, it’s time to renew your membership and purchase your discounted Trail Pass from the AWSC. Sno-Eagles AWSC Click on these links to do both. Last update: ONEIDA COUNTY TRAILS ARE NOT OPEN. Includes Three Lakes, Sugar Camp. If you head east on 10 head toward Phelps NOT Three Lakes. Holly Tomlanovich
News and Reports:
March 15, 2025 – Groom to Ride @ Trackside – Drawing at 5 pm