Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada

Trail Report – : Manitowish Waters, Wisconsin – March 7, 2022

Reporter:Manitowish Waters Chamber
Trail Conditions: Open
Snow Cover: 9- 10 inches
Date of Report: March 7, 2022
Area Report:
The MW Sno Skeeters trails are in good condition.  We had an ice storm Saturday  that turned into the heavy wet snow we like to see! The rain didn’t really hurt and the wet snow helped the base.  Riders all weekend were presently surprised! 
 This from last nights groomer Ben Reichert:  “They turned out really good.  I would say the are all in good condition.  Happy I had the chain saw.  Riders were getting through , but  I needed to clean fair amount!”   (Trees and branches down from the ice storm, cleaned up by Bennie last night)
 This is a great time of year to ride: good conditions and less traffic, so get out and enjoy while you can.   
Vilas Trails can stay open as late as March 31st (weather permitting) stay tuned and we will update soon. 
Please ride right, use your hand signals, stop at stop signs and stay on the marked trails.   RIDING OFF OF THE MARKED TRAILS PUT OUR SPORT IN JEAPARDY OF TRAIL CLOSURES.   Please remember that Snowmobiling is a privilege, not a right.   Thank you for your continued support!